Understanding the concept of the wilderness is important to interpret the success of the conservation efforts of the Oryx. Environmentalists must rethink the wilderness and understand its significance in humanity. Willian Cronon, in a discussion on this topic, reveals that humans have inherent desires that guide their actions. Cronon mentions that people can behold the wilderness based on the assumption that it is nature, but rather, they are simply fulfilling their unexamined longings and desires (Cronon 1). In this case, although it might seem like the topic is on conservation efforts and environmentalism, perhaps it is simply the fulfilment of cultural desires. The argument introduces a discussion on the significance of the conservation of the Oryx in Qatar.
“The Oryx is culturally significant to the Qatari population.” Do the efforts to conserve the Oryx focus on the cultural significance or are they environmental efforts? Is there a cultural problematic relationship that characterizes the conservation of the Oryx? It is important to understand the wilderness to comprehend whether conservation only focuses on the Oryx because it is a national emblem. Does the Qatar conservation agency focus on a specific animal (Oryx) or do they truly understand the wilderness in its entirety? Relating the cultural significance of the Oryx to conservation efforts is essential.
At the same time, it is important to examine the improvement or progress made in comparison to the damage. Has the conservation of the Oryx affected the wilderness? For instance, they previously used to live in the wild and contributed to the ecosystem. Now that they are in sanctuaries, have they changed the desert ecosystem or improved the wilderness? Perhaps they were important in the ecosystem and could avoid extinction naturally.
Even so, the wilderness is just one of the environmental concerns. As mentioned in the previous post, several other factors characterize environmentalism and deep ecology. Some of the issues that have merged now include commercial hype and tourist advertising. Conservation efforts not only focus on saving animals from extinction, but also explore commercial interests. Do such interests interfere with conservation efforts? Is it possible to achieve a balance between environmental and economic interests? Relating the cultural significance of the Oryx to monetary interests, helps decipher the future of conservation efforts.
Although conservation relates to environmentalism, it might also be a cultural movement. Would the Qatari government focus on the conservation of the Oryx if it were not a national emblem? The conservation efforts have helped transform the wilderness. Even so, understanding the original state of the wilderness in comparison to what Qatar is recreating in its conservation efforts is important to determine the overall success of the projects. Do the conservation efforts introduce any conflict? Are there any conflicts of interest? Perhaps interfering with the wilderness affects the history of the Oryx and its significance. Understanding all these factors is essential to monitor the success of the conservation efforts and ensure all stakeholders are on the same page.
Works Cited
Cronon, William. The Trouble with Wilderness; or, Getting Back to the Wrong Nature.
Uncommon Ground: Rethinking the Human Place in Nature, New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1995, 69-90